Blogs with no Feedback are pretty much Masturbating.
I had a post on Angelwings blog, but I can't seem to find it now. I'm just gonna assume it was deleted. I was gonna post this on someone else's blog, but that's kind of messed up and this is some personal shit that has nothing to do with funnybookbabylon, so it can't go there. I'm just kind of pissed and I want this up somewhere so others can see it and tell me how wrong I am. I'm a stubborn guy who likes to hear what other people think. This is probably my most redeeming personality trait.
I'm kind of not sure what's the point anymore of people posting things on a public site if they do not want others to react to it. Either keep your site private or just don't post on the internet. Because I'm fucking sick of the whole let me take my ball home mentality, when someone gets sick of the discussion, that I see alot in the internet and in political discourse. This shit happens all the time on the subforum I post on something awful (BSS), that I now keep out of there more often than I want to.
I hate this idea that you can say whatever you want but not expect critiquing from others. If we applied this philosophy to anything else in the world, we wouldn't be able to fucking move ahead as a society. We would be stuck in some awful group think. People who go out there and challenge what others think end up changing the world. I understand people are afraid of being told they are wrong, but that's too bad. An opinion not worth defending is one not worth having.
The moment you make your opinion public to the outside world people have the right to call you on what they believe to be fallacies in your arguement. In the case of sexism and racism, this is one of the best ways that we get to help tell people that we think their behaviour is wrong. Our words are one of our most powerful tools. We use it to speak and interact with each other. It is the way that we achieve great things together.
I come from a family whom faced a good deal of political persecution in our home country, having a family member imprisoned and tortured for a chunk of time. They left for America sometime afterwards, so I could be born someplace where free speech was considered important. I was always raised to believe that you should be allowed to say what you feel in response to others.
This is no where near the same. To suggest so is insulting to both my family and Angelwing. This is just a reason why this kind of think makes me rage hard inside. I just have to say that this type of attitude kind of really saddens me. I just wish people would open the channels of communications so we can try to resolve and change things instead of ineffectually critiquing them. We are much more powerful together than not.